
29 April 2015

bits + pieces.

it's been a while since i've done one of these :) here's a little randomness from life lately..

1. for my world lit class we had to put together a creative project on one of the poems/books we read in class. i chose dante's inferno. and maybe got a little too creative? this project ended up being way more time consuming than i thought it would be. couldn't have gotten it done in time without saad's help so thanks, babe. ;)

2. it's been a good two years since i last bought a book. i know, crazy right? the last book i had gotten was sarah dessen's the moon and more. now with the new book shelf up, i decided it was time for a trip to barne's and noble. there were too many good ones to choose from, so i decided on city of love by susane colasanti. can't wait to start reading :)

3. since the husband and i are going on a cruise at the end of may, i had gone shopping for some more  "beachy" type clothes. i ended up finding this top at h&m and fell in love with it. it's currently my favorite :) i ended up wearing it to a baby shower over the weekend. 

4. after my mini shopping trip last friday, i was on the way home when i got into an accident. :/ it ended up being not so bad but the car that we had just brought home two days ago was all damaged from the back. :( it's gone again, back to the shop to be fixed. 

that's about all that has been going on lately. just preparing for finals. also, tomorrow we're off to dallas for the weekend to hang out with my family so stay tuned for more updates from there. it's also my birthday weekend! which means: partyyyy time ;) 

17 April 2015

books, books and more books!

finally, after two years of moving to georgia, and my books being left on the top shelf in the closet of the guest room, i got a book shelf! :) the husband was sweet enough to put it together for me. and i was beyond excited to set up my books in it, in alphabetical order by author's last name. ;)

now that this is all set up, it's time to buy new books and fill this thing up. ;) i can't wait.

imran khan live

a few weeks ago we went to this club/lounge to watch imran khan in concert with some friends. it was boring at first because he ended up showing up a good two hours late. :/ we stood by the bar and smoked hookah for a while then ended up hanging out outside with some friends until he showed up. once he performed though, it was a lot of fun. :)

16 April 2015

random mid-week date night

this past week the husband planned a random date night on a tuesday. it's been almost a month since we've gone on our usual friday date nights so we wanted to make up for lost time. ;)
we didn't do anything out of the ordinary. just the usual dinner and a movie at one of our favorite spots. 

 ^^a mix between a movie theater and a restaurant. best.idea.ever.

 ^^this movie was hilarious

the best nights end up being these random, unplanned ones. i'm thankful, and so lucky, to be able to call these moments mine. :)

chef saad :)

last weekend was one of our monthly one dishes we have going with some family and friends. this time around, my sister in law (who was hosting the party) decided to change things up a bit. she wanted the husbands to cook the dishes. for an incentive and some fun, she decided to have a competition for the guys and prizes for top two dishes. the only rule was that the guys would be cooking the dishes at home and by themselves 100%.

saad wanted to make pasanday which is a curry made with beef filets. he used to cook back when he was living on his own in his college years but it's been some time since he last made something. still, i knew he'd do awesome.

 ^^washing the meat
 ^^hottie chef ;)
 ^^he was sweet enough to do the dishes/clean up too

 ^^all done :)
^^selfie ;)

saad ended up coming in fourth place after the votes were tallied up. it didn't matter that he didn't come in first. i was just proud of him for doing such a good job with his dish. 
i love you saadu. you're an awesome chef ;)