
22 February 2016

saad's birthday dinner

last night, we had all of our family and friends come out for saad's official birthday dinner. we went to a persian restaurant and set it up buffet style. i got him a customized cake (as always lol), put up some decorations with the help of his sister in law, and we all got all dressed up :) the food was great, and the company was even better. his friend also brought a huge party popper cannon thing and there was confetti everywhere. so much fun :) here are some pictures of us celebrating saad khan!

i love love love youuu, saad khan! you deserve all of this and more. i hope you had the happiest birthday, and i hope this year is the most blessed one yet. may you have a million more, my love :)

i'm an aunt again!

this past weekend we met up with my family in dallas. my eldest brother and his wife were expecting their first baby. :) we got there on wednesday night and the next day, on february the 18th, my nephew was born! he's such a beautiful little baby boy, and i couldn't be happier for my brother and his wife. we're all already obsessed with him. although my niece, who is five years old, wishes he was a girl lol. her reaction was the cutest when she saw her cousin on facetime. :)

we love you baby humza uthman molai. welcome to the world. and let the spoiling begin!

happy birthday, husband!

saad's birthday was last week on february 16th!
his family came over at midnight and surprised him with a cake. and i gave him his presents as well that night.
on the day of, him and i went out for dinner to chili's because that's one of his favorite restaurants. :)

 ^^some presents from me :)
 ^^his favorite cake - black forest :)

 ^^we look pretty rough at midnight haha

^^they got him a sunglass hut gift card. finally new sunnies for saadu :)

^^dinner ready! wearing his new anchor shirt

 ^^handsome birthday boy :)
 ^^texas cheese fries are life

^^we usually don't do dessert, but you can't go to chili's and not have the molten cake ;)

i had mentioned to the server that we were here for saad's birthday, but didn't think to tell them to sing for him. so we were both surprised when they brought out the dessert and started singing. his reaction was priceless. so shocked excited lol.

happy birthday, saadu. i hope we get to spend a million more together. :) stay smiling always.