
12 March 2014

a week on the west coast

so, san francisco is incredible. like hands down, one of my favorite cities i've ever been to. back in september, the husband had to travel to california for about a week for work so i decided to tag along with him since i'd never been there. best idea ever ;)
because i grew up in albuquerque, i'm used to mountains. not just used to, but i love a constant view of mountains in the distance. but here, in SFO, there's not only mountains but there's also the water. and the bridges. when you combine the three, it makes for an amazing sunset. :)

apart from the amazing views, the city in general has so much personality. the cable cars are such a fun concept and the way the houses are stacked one on top of the other is so different than i've ever seen before. and the streets in downtown are crazy steep but when you go to the very top and look down, the view is to die for.
one of my favorites was lombard street which is said to be the world's most crooked street. i think we spent a good chunk of our time driving down this street then circling back around and doing it again and again. :)

driving down lombard street^^^

hanging out at the piers ^^^
street artist^^^

we found this awesome viewing spot where we spent a while just relaxing and taking some neat pictures :)^^^

full house!^^^

at google headquarters, the employees would ride around on these bikes and randomly leave them on sidewalks and outside buildings for others to use if needed.^^^

die hard niners fan ;)^^^

and last but not least, treasure island. where i could happily sit forever and just never get bored.^^^

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